Friday 17 May 2013

Storyboard & Fairytale Wedding Invitations

I've absolutely fallen in love with storyboard and fairytale invitations! It is a fantastic opportunity to give your guests an insight into how you met, how you romanced each other and how you came to be planning your big day.

By supplying the stationer with some details about your story and relationship they will create a unique, fun and quirky story line to entertain your guests and make your invitations look amazing.

I have found three companies that do such an amazing job that I myself have contacted them for quotes and I can't wait to hear back from them. I thought I'd be generous and share my fantastic findings with you.

Please meet Gorgeous Invites. These guys are based right here in the UK which is handy as most of these creative type companies are based on Etsy in the U S of A.

Next up is the very talented Be Mine Designs, also based in the UK.

And last but definitely not least is Anthologie Press who you can find on Etsy. Jen is located in the US but she happily ships to the UK. Her work is so brilliant that dealing with shipping costs would be worth it.

I hope you've enjoyed my findings and I would love to hear about any of yours..

Much love

T x


  1. Thanks so much for the kind referral! I love working with international clients! Fabulous blog. :-)

  2. Quite inspiring ideas of wedding invitations. I went for an opening ceremony of my cousin’s boutique at one of petty wedding venues in Chicago last year. Was an unforgettable event. Interior of the venue was complementing the decorations and display of outfits.
